Blog Post

The TutorZone: A Decade of Dedication to Student Success

Over the past 10 years, The TutorZone has become a pillar of the academic experience for William & Mary students.  From the initial vision at its foundation, the TutorZone was implemented to academically support students in a safe and productive environment.  Throughout the years, The TutorZone has seen exceptional student tutors who not only made a significant impact during their time as undergraduate students but who went forward with the skills they gained at The TutorZone and continued to make a difference in their respective fields.  Each year, The TutorZone offers support for more than 150 different courses with language assistance available for multilingual students while also allowing nearly 80 student employees to earn a source of income.  Since its establishment, The TutorZone has upgraded its services from only tutoring fellow students with their classes to now providing time-management consultations and academic coaching. These additional offerings also share techniques to improve study habits and memory comprehension. 

The TutorZone offers support for more than 150 different courses… [and is] now providing time-management consultations and academic coaching.”

As we continue to expand and reimagine the possibilities of what The TutorZone can offer, our number one priority is to make The TutorZone financially accessible for all students so that no student pays out of pocket to get the help they deserve.  We experienced a 40% increase in the number of students reaching out for financial assistance since the beginning of this academic year, making our services even more crucial.  While there are limitations that come with being a financially self-sustaining program, we were able to assist over 500 students last year.  As we work through the pandemic and economic challenges, we are striving to ensure long-term sustainability with an endowed fund. The TutorZone will continue to serve our W&M students to develop academic skills strategies, strengthen personal responsibilities, and promote effective decision-making regardless of their financial ability.  Below are a few testimonies from students who The TutorZone positively impacted.

“Just thank you to my tutors and to my scholarship. I do not think I would have passed my Chem test without their time and support”

-W&M Student

“My tutor was amazing! She was very encouraging, approachable, and easy to work with. She really helped me a lot!”

-W&M Student 

“My tutor was wonderful! They were super helpful and provided additional outside resources to help enrich my understanding.”

-W&M Student

To book an appointment, students can visit and get connected to support. Please reach out to with any questions.